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9 novembre 2010 2 09 /11 /novembre /2010 12:28
A l’occasion des 30 ans du Mois de la Photo à Paris, en plein Quartier Latin,


la galerie ARTFILER, présente



du 12 au 21 novembre 2010





A l’initiative de Francesca DI BONITO, directrice artistique de l’évènement avec le

concours de Didier BIERJON, galeriste et mécène, cinq artistes femmes, partagent un

langage contemporain en affirmant une vision d’auteur.




est la vue de


Cynthia Cappe, Marikel Lahana, Francesca Di Bonito, Caroline Boyer et Kristina Sereikaite


Dans un esprit d’ouverture aux nouveaux talents opérant dans le champs de l’image

et dans une politique de promotion de l’art contemporain, l’exposition se propose de réunir

diverses démarches artistiques explorant le médium photographique.

Le croisement de ces regards échappe à la limitation de registre et au cantonnement stylistique

en vue d’une rencontre polyphonique au coeur de l'intime féminin.


FEMMES avec VUE est un questionnement autour de l’être et sa représentation.

La singularité troublante des sujets et la vulnerabilité de leurs réalités prend forme dans une

dimension plastique qui nous confronte à notre propre condition.




8 novembre 2010 1 08 /11 /novembre /2010 13:01

Luzia Simons - Invitation:

LEBEN elementar


Camera Obscura

13.11. - 12.12.2010
FotoTageTrier 2010
Concept: Christoph Tannert

Participating at "LEBEN elementar"
Stadtmuseum Simeonstift
Opening: The exhibition will be opened at 6 pm on 12 November 2010.



Further presentation: PAN Amsterdam

ArtAmsterdam 21.11.- 28.11.2010
PAN amsterdamn
Gallery Brutto Gusto (Berlin)
Stand 136



5 novembre 2010 5 05 /11 /novembre /2010 14:22


Jeudi 18 novembre 2010

Rita Barros, Fifteen Years: Chelsea Hotel, 1999, Pente 10 – A41




18-21 novembre 2010


Carroussel du Louvre

5 novembre 2010 5 05 /11 /novembre /2010 14:16

Krowswork Logo

is pleased to present

Where I'm Calling From



featuring videos by Dale Hoyt, Jan Peacock,
Anna Shteynshleyger, and Regina Clarkinia

and photography by Justine Reyes

Reception for the artists, Friday, November 5th, 5-9
exhibition on view October 29th-November 27th

"I won't raise my voice. Not even if she starts something. She'll ask me where I'm calling from, and I'll have to tell her. I won't say anything about New Year's resolutions. There's no way to make a joke out of this."                    -Raymond Carver, "Where I'm Calling From"

"Where I'm calling from" until relatively recently was a static notion; the phone you were using was stationary, and more often than not you were phoning from home to someone else in their home. Now, the cell phone's mobility, and our general mobility as a society, has shifted that reality and the question of where you are calling from becomes more literal, just as it obscures the surety of notions of "home." Each of the video works in this exhibition employs the phone as the potent, elliptical tool that it is and explores its simultaneous relationship to both place and placelessness, home and distance from home. The photography by Reyes makes palpable the honest yearning of place through her revelatory portraits of her mother and uncle in their home and in hotel rooms in various locales from her series "Home, Away From Home."


Justine Reyes Although only one of Reyes's photographs in this exhibition features an actual telephone, her body of work is very much responding to Carver's essential conundrum in the story, whose last lines are cited above: how to answer someone about where you are, when really the question is who you are. For Reyes, it is evident based on her moving portraits of her mother and uncle, that this question goes far beyond the physical. But by photographing her relatives at home and not at home, she provides a visual control group to discern what about the ephemeral nature of a cherished life can be held on to. Reyes lives and works in New York.
Dale Hoyt
Dale Hoyt
In Dale Hoyt's iconic 1981 video Who Shot MM, a friendly yet almost frantic voice makes repeated calls to operators in various Southern states asking for a number in Houston. A pulsing map of Texas visually reminds the viewer of the recurring rebuffs he receives, with each operator plainly stating the state she is answering from as a way of establishing that it is not the connection in Texas he is seeking. Hoyt chose Texas in part because this video was made in the summer of Who Shot J.R.?, the cliffhanger of the TV show "Dallas" that left America waiting for its conclusion in the next season. Hoyt instead used the stand-in initials of MM-for Marshall McLuhan. Perhaps not coincidentally, both this video and Jan Peacock's below were made in 1981, the year before E.T. came out, whose famous line was "E.T. phone home." This video was featured in the important exhibition California Video at the Getty Museum in Los Angeles. Hoyt lives and works in San Francisco.

Jan Peacock
Jan Peacock
Jan Peacock's News from the In-Between (Dream Poems of the Irretrievable Past) is also from 1981 and presents an exploratory narrative of home, and attempts to describe what the distance between two places really represents. Using economical visual storytelling, Peacock uses the telephone as a metaphor for place. And place, in turn, represents the silent, passive reception of information--a lost time of necessary listening--information that must be processed in order for come to terms with a true sense of being at home with one's self, even in the in-between that our society demands. Jan Peacock lives and works in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Anna Shteynshleyger
Anna Shteynshleyger
Anna Shteynshleyger surreptitiously recorded her divorced parents' conversations over the course of many years. In Conversation she presents a dialogue between them, in which they seem to express their continued affection for one another. Using the ping-pong aspect of telephone conversations to her advantage, emphasizing balance and even-handedness; in this space-a telephone conversation-reality can be synthesized. Shteynshleyger lives and works in Chicago.

Regina Clarkinia
Regina Clarkinia
Regina Clarkinia's Hello, Hunter capitalizes on the theatrical, elliptical potential of hearing and seeing one side of a telephone conversation. The second, silent voice is only known to the woman on the phone. Clarkinia is mixing the phone with video to provide a one-woman video-play that is comic, subtle, and moving. Clarkinia, in some way, provides the answer to the impasse that the other videos suggest; her way is simple and known to children everywhere: imagination is the key to always being home. Clarkinia lives and works in Oakland.
Krowswork Logo
480 23rd Street - side entrance
Oakland, CA 94612
5 novembre 2010 5 05 /11 /novembre /2010 14:10

PF Gallery & Magda Hueckel invites youto the exhibition of her new photographs:


"Compositions (Ice)"

Centrum Kultury Zamek, PF Gallery,
Poznań, Poland
Opening: 8th November 2010 at 7 pm
The exhibition is open until 23th December
Magda Hueckel
The series of photographs entitled “Compositions (Ice)” opens a new chapter in the artistic creativity of Magdalena Hueckel. In the contrary to her earlier works focusing on the issues of the identity and corporeality (appearing in a few series of the Self-Portraits) the newest project can be defined as a photographic landscape. Photographs filled with Nordic cold and contemplative atmosphere were taken during artist’s travel to Iceland and depict views of white snows, icy skies. Those photographs blur the line between documentary and artistic works showing either objective point of view as well as a subjective emotional vision. The winter, north but emotional atmosphere of photographs refers Hueckels works to Romantinc oil paintings. The project was done as a part of activity of Muzungu-art artistic group.

4 novembre 2010 4 04 /11 /novembre /2010 12:12



18-21 novembre 2010


Carroussel du Louvre


4 novembre 2010 4 04 /11 /novembre /2010 11:33



Exposition rétrospective des lauréats du prix Niépce 1955 – 2010

Du 18 novembre au 12 décembre

Vernissage le jeudi 18 novembre 2010
à partir de 18 heures


Cette rétrospective rassemble près de deux cents photographies dont certaines proviennent des collections de la Maison européenne de la Photographie.

Lauréats du Prix de 1955 à 1982

Galerie du Montparnasse
55, rue du Montparnasse
75015 Paris

11h-19h du mardi au dimanche

Lauréats du Prix de 1983 à 2010

Musée du Montparnasse
21, avenue du Maine
75015 Paris

12h30-19h du mardi au dimanche


les lauréats depuis 1955 >




2009 Stéphanie Lacombe

2006 Yuki Onodera

2005 Elina Brotherus

2004 Claudine Doury

1998 Florence Chevallier

1996 Lise Sarfati

1995 Marie-Paule Nègre

1989 Gladys et Patrick Zachmann

1987 Agnès Bonnot

1979 Françoise Saur

1976 Marie Perennou

1967 Pierre et Dorine Berdoy

3 novembre 2010 3 03 /11 /novembre /2010 10:14


Mirages de l'infini - photographies 1981-2010


vernissage en présence de l'artiste

le jeudi 4 novembre de 18 h à 21 h


du 4/11//2010 au 11/12//2010


  Avant-scène V, 2010 - Tirage pigmentaire, 130 x 97,8 cm
      Les oeuvres de Béatrice Helg occupent une place à part dans le monde de la photographie, loin du caractère d’objectivité que l’on reconnaît habituellement à cet art. Poursuivant une recherche constante de composition, d’installation en atelier, elle propose des images subjectives sous forme de théâtres qui placent le spectateur au centre d’un univers irréel. Après avoir consacré à son oeuvre des expositions personnelles, Éloge de l’éphémère en 2004, Dans la lumière de l’illusion en 2007, et l’avoir fait participer à des salons, en France et à l’étranger, la galerie Thessa Herold présente aujourd’hui, à travers une sélection d’oeuvres, une exposition rétrospective de ses 30 dernières années de création.

      Béatrice Helg est née à Genève en 1956. Après des études de violoncelle au Conservatoire de Musique de Genève, elle étudie la photographie au California College of Arts and Crafts à Oakland, au Brooks Institute à Santa Barbara et à l’International Center of Photography (ICP) à New-York. Depuis 1979, près d’une soixantaine d'expositions personnelles ont eu lieu en Europe, aux Etats-Unis et au Japon, parmi lesquelles une exposition aux Rencontres d’Arles, au Musée Tinguely (Bâle), à l'IVAM – Institut Valencià d’Art Modern (Valence), au Museum of Contemporary Photography (Chicago) ou au Museum of Photographic Arts (San Diego). Ses photographies figurent dans de nombreuses collections prestigieuses : la Maison Européenne de la Photographie (Paris), le Museum of Fine Arts, Houston ; le Los Angeles County Museum of Art ou le Musée des beaux-arts du Canada (Ottawa).

       L’icône, dans la tradition orthodoxe, est une fenêtre ouverte sur l’invisible. Et c’est l’image qui nous vient à l’esprit en contemplant les architectures abstraites de Béatrice Helg, qui vibrent d’un silence d’outre-monde. Depuis ses premiers travaux, l’artiste a su conjuguer matière et théâtralité, ou réel et vision. Passionnée par l’architecture, le théâtre et l’opéra, elle met en scène ses photographies, crée des espaces monumentaux où semblent s’entremêler la sculpture, la peinture, l’environnement et surtout la lumière. Dès 1993, Béatrice Helg se tourne vers des créations plus abstraites et épurées, dont les titres montrent bien l’abandon de la figuration : Espace-lumière, Esprits froissés, Crépuscule, Transparence... Ses « tableaux », hantés par la contradiction entre lumière et obscurité, ouvre sur un infini, recherche de l’illimité d’un mystère intérieur.


Galerie Thessa Herold
Paris, France
website: www.thessa-herold.com


g a l e r i e t h e s s a h e r o l d - 7, rue de Thorigny - 75003 Paris
Tel : ++ 33 (0)1 42 78 78 68 - Fax : ++ 33 (0)1 42 78 78 69 - galherold@free.fr - www.thessa-herold.com


from november 18 to 21
Paris Photo
Edwynn Houk Gallery, New York
Carrousel du Louvre, Stand F23
Paris, France

from december 1 to 5
Art Miami
Joel Soroka Gallery, Aspen
The Art Miami Pavilion, Stand C29
Miami, Florida

from december 2 to 5
Art Basel Miami Beach
Edwynn Houk Gallery, New York
Miami Beach Convention Center, Stand B10
Miami Beach, Florida


2 novembre 2010 2 02 /11 /novembre /2010 10:46



New Burlesque - A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Mother - Blumen Stillleben
6.Nov 2010 - 15. Jan 2011
Eröffnung: Freitag, 5.Nov um 18 Uhr

Galerie Robert Morat
Kleine Reichenstr. 1
20457 Hamburg
email: kontakt@robertmorat.de



Die Serie “A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Mother” ist auch an folgenden Orten zu sehen:

Bis 21.November 2010
Centre Pasqu’art, Biel
“Felicità – Freude, Glück und Emotionen in der zeitgenössischen Kunst”

Bis 21. Februar 2011
Centre Pompidou, Paris
“elles@centrepompidou”- Künstlerinnen aus der Sammlung des Musée National de l’Art Moderne

18.-21 November 2010
Paris Photo
Galerie Anne Barrault, Stand J22

Herzliche Grüsse

Katharina Bosse



31 octobre 2010 7 31 /10 /octobre /2010 10:38


livre Estelle Lagarde Galerie Dialogos


A l'occasion de la sortie du livre La Traversée Imprévue adénocarcinome 
aux Editions La Cause des Livres:

Dernier vernissage Le jeudi 4 novembre à partir de 18h30 à la galerie Dialogos, 
1 place de Thorigny, Paris 3ème (métro Saint-Paul ou Chemin Vert)

et signature le jeudi 25 novembre à la galerie Dialogos

Au plaisir de vous y retrouver.

Estelle Lagarde.
Toutes les infos sur le site http://www.estellelagarde.com/index.php?rub_id=4


  • : Photographie au Féminin, des femmes photographes - Photography in the Feminine, womens photographers
  • Photographie au Féminin, des femmes photographes - Photography in the Feminine, womens photographers
  • : Femmes photographes, Women photographers, Fotógrafas, Frauen fotografin, Mulheres fotógrafos, Vrouwelijke fotograaf, Femei fotograf , Fotografe, Fotografa, Hustru, Kone fotograf, Brud fotograf, 女性写真家,여 사진가 fotografinja
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